Sagittarius Food and Health

Lovers of life, Sagittarians seek out adventure and human interaction in the hope of discovering new lessons and answers to the bigger questions regarding existence. Their philosophic approach and open minds make Sagittarians exciting and enlightening people to be around. 

Sagittarius Health

Sagittarians are invariably very fit people as they’re always on the go. Often cycling to work to avoid the traffic jams – which seems the only logical action to take – or pacing to the shops by foot, Sagittarians love physical exercise as it cleanses the soul. Sagittarians tend to enjoy communal clubs whilst they have been known to make fierce competitors.

It’s not uncommon for elderly Sagittarians to make a joke of their ever increasing waist band. Whilst their good humour is light relief, refusing to take health issues seriously could lead to problems unnecessarily spiraling out of control. The zodiac sign of Sagittarius rules the hips and thighs of the body – which is why Sagittarians are always on the go. Yet when Sagittarians are feeling low it’s often these areas which suffer the most.

Sagittarius Food

Sagittarians are lovers of food and can’t get enough of different cuisines. For them, food is all about good ingredients cooked simply and, most importantly, shared with good friends and family. Of course, the Archer isn’t adverse to a bottle of wine either. Lovers of food often make the best cooks and Sagittarians are no exception to the rule. From a young age Sagittarians will delight in providing for their loved ones.

The cell salt most beneficial for Sagittarians is Silica, which is said to have a positive effect upon the nervous system. It’s good for building and maintaining skin, hair and nails, as well as assisting in getting rid of aged cells. Foods rich in this salt include the following: Fresh fruit - including the rind, seasonal vegetables and leafy greens, whole wheat and whole grain produce, eggs, low fat dairy produce, and seafood.