Aquarius Horoscope Archives

Aquarius Horoscope April 24th 2024

Whilst you are more than capable, you could be finding that you’re unable to cope with everything right now. Even though working on two dozen projects at one time is usually a walk in the park, you need the opportunity to slow down and give your complete attention to one project. You could be distracted though – finances and details of upcoming events all demand your attention. To make matters worse people fail to organise their work load effectively.

Aquarius Horoscope April 23rd 2024

It’s likely that you’ll be more aware than ever about the importance of being tactful and knowing when to keep things to yourself. Close friends might be giving subtle hints about what they are really thinking, but without saying it explicitly. You understand that what you say can have a strong effect on people. It might be good to talk to a friend (who is not involved) about this; but choose carefully.

Aquarius Horoscope April 22nd 2024

Your desire to move out of a certain comfort zone may increase as the day progresses. Something that you used to believe might no longer feel true. During the evening, you could realise that you’re better at administrative tasks than people think you are. Your administrative skills may come to the fore if someone asks you to find something out for them.

Aquarius Horoscope April 21st 2024

It looks as though you will have an interesting week ahead. Today, someone nearby (a neighbour) might need your help to get them out of a complicated situation. It may be a good idea to spend the day ‘recharging your batteries’, in order to get ready for a busy week ahead. This week you could find yourself bogged down with administrative tasks and travelling somewhere relatively unfamiliar by the end of the week.

Aquarius Horoscope April 20th 2024

Today other people may be particularly tempted to enter into negotiations with you, although this might not be obvious at first. You will probably have lots of interesting discussions, particularly where property is concerned. In terms of your finances, you may need to use an abundance of charm and patience. Funds could need moving about and loans might need rearranging. It’s possible that you’ll receive financial advice from someone who seems completely amateur.

Aquarius Horoscope April 19th 2024

Today you may not be happy if someone questions your integrity. However, you probably know that you haven’t actually done anything wrong. What seems more important is why someone else would think that you have. You could have been ‘pulled’ into a debate that you weren’t initially involved in. However, you might enjoy being tested through some sort of examination or assessment.

Aquarius Horoscope April 18th 2024

Once again it seems likely that you are thinking about family matters. Perhaps there is an important event coming up which requires a great deal of planning. On the topic of planning, you might have to make plans to go on a trip or meet people who are ‘passing through’. Today you may also be (unexpectedly) presented with the opportunity to showcase one of your talents.