Cancer Home & Health

Possible characteristics of a child born in the month of Cancer

Cancer is the fourth star sign in the Zodiac. It is one of the water signs. Although it is likely that your child will be smart and thoughtful from a young age, they can also be very sensitive. Many children born in the month of Cancer are particular about what they want from a young age. They might like to be cuddled and fussed over so that they feel safe and protected when they are with you. Just remember, this could set the standard for them and how they want to treat others in the future.

It is important to note that the exact characteristics of your child (and how strong each characteristic is), will very much depend on the position of both the moon and other planets when your child was born.

Your child with the Cancer star sign will probably expect you to be very intuitive and sensitive to their needs. Amazingly, from a very young age they will start to notice small changes such as new bed linen. They are also very good at sensing how others are feeling, so you should always try to appear cool, calm and collected in front of them.

Children with this star sign are usually good at focusing on one thing at a time and tend not to like distractions. They make it very clear what they like and don’t like. You will probably be impressed at how good your child’s memory is, even from a very young age. They are likely to take a great interest in stories, and will remember them. Children born under the Cancer star sign often like overt affection, and are good at looking after things.

Health and Eating

Please note: The following is NOT professional dietary advice.

Cancerians tend to like food that has a high water content. These foods might include fruits and vegetables such as cucumbers, lettuce, cabbage, turnips and apples. It is important for Cancerians to drink plenty of water every day and ensure that they are hydrated at all times. They should avoid fatty foods that are full of sugar, particularly desserts such as pastries and cakes.

Cancerians can have a funny relationship with food, as they tend to turn to it when they are not feeling 100%. However, they often eat the incorrect foods which can lead to allergies and problems with weight management.